Monday, October 25, 2010

Kebajingan seorang Manusia bergelar BOs

Apakah maksud judgmental? Kalau mengikut ianya bermaksud: of or denoting an attitude in which judgments about other people's conduct are made.

Malah, mengikut yang menulis satu artikel bagaimana untuk mengelak dari menjadi seorang jugmental.


"Be curious, not judgmental." – Walt Whitman
"I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-righteous people around me." – anonymous

We are all judgmental. Yes, even you. I certainly am, many times. I think its human nature.

Kite memang judgmental. Sesiapa saja boleh menjadi judgmental. Memang itu aku akui adalah satu lumrah.


And yet, while it is in our nature to be judgmental, I don't think it's always useful to us. We look down on others, as if we are so much better … and that creates division between people.

Bagi aku, menjadi seorang judgmental hanya kadang2 sahje memberikan kesan positif. Yang selebihnya tidak. Ape yang ko dapat dengan memandang rendah org lain? Duit? Mungkin kepuasan diri yang kau dapat.


Think about it for a second: we see someone, and based on their looks or actions, we pass judgment on them. Not good judgment, either. Usually without even knowing the person. And that's it — that's usually the extent of our interaction with that person. We don't make an effort to get to know the person, or understand them, or see whether our judgment was right or not.

And let's consider what happens when we pass judgment on people we do know. We see something they do, and get angry at it, or disappointed in the person, or think worse of them. We judge, without understanding. And that's the end of it — we don't try to find out more, and through communication begin to understand, and through understanding begin to build a bridge between two human beings.

Can you build a bridge with every single person you meet? Probably not. That takes time and effort, two things we're usually short on anyways. But I've found that taking that extra time, even just once a day can make a huge difference.

Setuju. Mak setuju sangat

Avoid passing judgment and instead build a bridge between two human beings.

If you're interested in that, let's take a look at one method I've been using. I call it the "DUAL" method. I know, acronyms for methods are corny, but so what? :) This method is corny already, but sometimes corny is a good thing.


Here's the DUAL method:


Don't pass judgment. If you find yourself being judgmental, stop yourself. This takes a greater awareness than we usually have, so the first step (and an important one) is to observe your thoughts for a few days, trying to notice when you're being judgmental. This can be a difficult step. Remind yourself to observe.

Once you're more aware, you can then stop yourself when you feel yourself being judgmental. Then move to the next step.


Understand. Instead of judging someone for what he's done or how he looks, try instead to understand the person. Put yourself in their shoes. Try to imagine their background. If possible, talk to them. Find out their back-story. Everyone has one. If not, try to imagine the circumstances that might have led to the person acting or looking like they do.


Accept. Once you begin to understand, or at least think you kind of understand, try to accept. Accept that person for who he is, without trying to change him. Accept that he will act the way he does, without wanting him to change. The world is what it is, and as much as you try, you can only change a little bit of it. It will continue to be as it is long after you're gone. Accept that, because otherwise, you're in for a world of frustration.


Love. Once you've accepted someone for who he is, try to love him. Even if you don't know him. Even if you've hated him in the past. Love him as a brother, or love her as a sister, no matter whom they are, old or young, light skinned or dark, male or female, rich or poor.

What good will loving someone does? Your love will likely only be limited. But it could have an effect on two people: yourself, and possibly on the person you've found love for. Loving others will serve to make you happier. Trust me on this one. And loving others can change the lives of others, if you choose to express that love and take action on it. I can't guarantee what will happen, but it can be life-changing.

Mak raser bos-bos mak patut baca kaedah-kaedah ni.

Kisah kesialan ini bermula dengan kebabian, tett! Kepukian, tett! Kebinatangan, tett! Seorang, dua orang dan berorang2 lagi di dalam opis mak ni. Dua tiga hari lepas, mak bergaduh besar dengan lawyer gemuk bajet bagus yang mak pendekkan jadi LGBB. LGBB ni pantang tengok mak senang. Mak sedar mak cantik. Mak tau mak fofuler. Tapi diorang tak paham dan cuba curik spotlight mak tu! Tak boleh tahan mak joyah. LGBB tu humongous sampai tak cukup spotlight kalau die nak mencelah puuun.

LGBB tu cube nak menegakkan benang yang basah dengan argue formality procedure untuk serahan saman. Adoiyai, kateyer dan bertahun jadik lawyer, tapi knowledge mak datukkk!!! Macam orang tade otak. Mulut bercakap lagi laju dari perkembangan sel otak. Mak haihhhh silala amek susu2 untuk perkembangan otak cap Enfagrow ke ape2 jela…

Selepas beradu tenaga dan mak dah kuarkan suara Soprano mak yang lebih sedap dr penyanyi yang nyanyi lagu my baby you mase SMS kawen aritu yang terpancit dan terbuang ke laut di waktu akhir, akhirnya mmg terbukti jelasssssssss yang LGBB itu BODOH. Dah salah, tanak mengaku pulak.

Plot penceritaan ini diteruskan dengan Family Day opis yang dibuat kat Sg Congkak. (pesanan penaja: duit nak file in Summon baru dan affirm exhibits pun tak ade, tapi buat Family Day jugak. Firm mak mengamalkan konsep biar papa, asal bergaye)

Wujudnya satu lagi alien yang tahap kebajingannya same bnyak dengan LGBB tadi. Mak gelarkan die LB. Lawyer Bajingan. Tettt!!

LB ni tanpa segan silunye mencarutkan mak. Katenye, "Baru saya tau semalam yang si cantik jelita menawan dermawan rupawan itu duduk rumah PPR DBKL je. Tadela bagus sangat, tapi berlagak bagus nak melawan cakap lawyer" oke part menawan tu mak tambah.

Ape yang korang Nampak dari kate2 LB tersebut? Mak tadela bagus sgt sebab duduk rumah PPR je. Perlu ke mak duduk rumah Apartment yang dah sah2 menyewa, atau rumah teres buruk dulu baru boleh mak sorekan rase tak puas ati mak ituew?! Apakah?! Sejak bila pulak hasil kerja atau rasa tidak puas hati memerlukan harta yang melimpah ruah sebagai eksibit sokongan? Bila da tak boleh nak mencarut keje mak yang sah2 mak buat, dia carutkan status mak sebagai penghuni PPR pulak. Ko kenapa LB? asal nak jadik bajingan sangat? Ko jangan ingat duduk PPR, otak tak guna. Ko tu duduk la kat celah bedah mane pun, mmg same busuk je dengan najis.!

Mak memang panas ati dengan gampangs2 ini. Mak doakan…. Smoge, LB, LGBB ini dapat balasan setimpal dari Allah. Argh! Dalam hati mak terngiang-ngiang lagu Alicia Kunci ituew!!! What goes around comes around okeyh! Lalalala cau cin cau uoollsss!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

"saya sukakan awak. tapi awak patut dapat yang lebih baik dari saya. saya tak sesuai untuk awak. bukan salah awak, salah saya yang tidak sempurna..."

ayat tipikal jantan2 uolllss. bile nak tinggalkan aweks2 yang diorang raser tak sesswai ngan diotang. eh tak diorang. owh, ada apakah dengan frasa, "...bukan salah awak, salah saya yang tidak sempurna" ituew?
ko bajet diri kao tidak sempurna, adakah yang gegurl itu sempurna habes?! Nobody is perfect la nyahhh!! nobody, nobody nobody bout you! (ala2 wonderpets. eh tak, wondergirls) tolongla jangan guna frasa tipikal ituew sekiranya uollss nak tinggalkan gegurl uollss.. lau tak suka cakap direct je tak suka. lau ko raser die kentut busuk tak terhingga, ko sound je directly kat muka die, "eh puan, kentut kao mcm longkang la!"

tak ade salahnyer kalau uoollss jujur je. haihh bak kate entri2 mak seblom ni, tolongla jujur dan jgn bagi harapang pelesu uoollss! arineh uolls leh rasa puas ati kenakan org, esok lusa mungkin uoollss sendiri yang akan rasa tempias angin sepoi2 language ituew... beringatlah seblom kenaaaa!

cau cin cau uollsss!!!